obenplus® | Fotoausstellung - Roofs of Cairo

obenplus® Fotoausstellung – Roofs of Cairo

The population of Cairo is forecast to grow by 0.5 million in 2017 alone, to become the world’s fastest-growing city.

Cairo’s population is expected to double over the next 40 years, so a new satellite city does make some kind of sense.

But why the population is not using the potential of vertical increase or at least use their roofs?

All the infrastructure is already built and it will be much more eco-friendly and economic to think about using the roofs.

The architecture photographic exhibition „Roofs of Cairo“ will be inaugurated at „The Lovelace“ Kardinal-Faulhaber Str. 1, Munich in September 2017. The photographic exhibition gives insights about the potentials of the roofs of the fasted growing city of the world.

The series of pictures shows the gap between a vanishing culture and a blooming megacity with all its contradiction by its roofs.

All pictures were taken by the Architecture Photographer Tobias Mueller.